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Branson's Bunny Business


I'm Branson Donahue. I'm a nine-year-old farm kid, in the business of raising and selling bunnies for $20 each.


I have bunnies available usually at all times. Their  breeds include Chinchilla, New Zealand, Rex, California, Jersey Wooley and English Spot. More breeds to come! I'm also looking for a good pair of Dwarf Bunnies, if you know anyone who has some!


Most of the bunnies I sell are crosses between these breeds as I like to sell for them to be pets, and try to have something unique and different all the time. 

Bunnies can be bought on the farm, by appointment only. Call (518)319-0700

379 County Rt 15, North Bangor, NY 12966 (also known as Eddy Road)


I also set up at Tractor Supply Company in Malone, NY every few weeks. I post dates and times on my Instagram page

@ bransonsbunnybusiness


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